Category: Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual property lawyer is a lawyer who provides legal advice in terms of the protection of all kinds of intellectual property rights. Intellectual property rights include intellectual and artistic works, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial design, integrated circuit topographies, and new plant varieties.

Especially after the industrial revolution, with the development of technology, intellectual property products began to spread. In this context, a wide variety of intellectual property rights have been created. These rights are regulated under the Industrial Property Law and the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works.

Obtaining legal counsel from a Turkish intellectual property lawyer ensures that the process moves quickly and accurately. Topo Law Firm provides consultancy as one of the few law firms providing services in the field of intellectual property.

Intellectual Property Law in Turkey

Intellectual property law is divided into two main categories: intellectual and artistic works (copyrights), also known as copyrights, and industrial property rights. Copyrights arise automatically with the creation of the work.

On the other hand, rights in the industrial property category, such as patents, utility models, trademarks, and designs, are used by registering them with an administrative institution such as the Turkish Patent Institute.

Industrial rights include patents, brands, and designs in the fields of industry and technology. Intellectual rights covers the field called copyrights, such as literature, art, music, and architecture.

Intellectual property rights can be protected within certain periods. The protection afforded by copyright covers the lifetime of the author as well as 70 years after his death. The protection period of the registered trademark is ten years from the application date. The protection period of registered designs is five years from the date of application. The protection period of the patent is twenty years, and the protection period of the utility model is ten years.

Intellectual Property Lawyer

Intellectual property lawyer is a broad term that includes the concepts of Turkish patent attorney and trademark attorney. An intellectual property lawyer in Turkey provides services regarding all intellectual property rights. There are serious rights violations in cases that are not handled by an expert intellectual property lawyer.

Turkish intellectual property lawyer advises clients on intellectual products, industrial rights, utility models, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights.

All sub-branches of intellectual property contain very detailed regulations. Therefore, expert intellectual property lawyer knowledge is needed in terms of the acquisition of intellectual property rights, registration processes, protection and termination of these rights, and all other related legal proceedings. In addition to these, national and international research that should be done before registration is also important.

It is not possible for people who do not have detailed legal knowledge to conduct this research, manage the registration processes, take the necessary actions during the protection of these rights, take part in infringement lawsuits, and perform all other procedures.

In this respect, getting legal advice from a Turkish intellectual property lawyer will enable you to achieve the result in the fastest and fairest way.

Topo Law Firm as Intellectual Property Lawyer

Topo Law Firm is an intellectual property law firm in Istanbul, founded in 2015 by attorney Serdar Han Topo. Since our establishment in 2015, we have been providing legal consultancy to our domestic and foreign clients in all areas of intellectual property law.

Known for its highly successful and professional work in the field of intellectual property law, Topo Law Firm stands out as one of the leading and pioneering law firms providing services in this field.

Unfair competition lawsuits regarding intellectual property, registration of intellectual property rights, cases of detection of infringement of these rights, cases regarding the protection of trade secrets, preparation of license agreements, preparation of agreements on intellectual property rights, cancellation of decisions given by the Turkish Patent Institute, as well as intellectual property-related We provide consultancy with our team of intellectual property lawyer in Istanbul on all disputes regarding the issue.

You can contact us to get more detailed information from Topo Law Firm’s expert Turkish intellectual property lawyer team.

FAQ About Intellectual Property Lawyer

1. What are the four types of intellectual property?

Intellectual and industrial property rights are generally handled in seven basic groups. These are intellectual and artistic works, integrated circuit topographies, new plant varieties, patents, industrial design, geographical indications, and trademarks.

2. How much is an intellectual property lawyer’s salary?

Intellectual property lawyer fees are determined by the Attorney Minimum Fee Schedule each year. You can contact us for more detailed information.

3. What are some examples of intellectual property?

Artworks, literature, computer games, logos, business names, trade secrets, trademarks, etc.

4. What is the meaning of intellectual property law?

Concepts that include ideas and products in a wide spectrum ranging from music to literature, from industrial designs to scientific inventions, are products of intellectual property.

5. How can I reach an intellectual property lawyer near me?

You can access an intellectual property lawyer in the easiest and shortest way possible by filling out the form on our page.

Trademark Attorney

Trademark attorney is one of the most sought-after subjects in recent times. With the development of technology, the protection of industrial property products has also gained attention. The trademark right is one of the industrial property rights.

The registration of trademark rights, which is based on the purpose of distinguishing the services and products of enterprises, is a detailed, complex, and long process. As a result of making mistakes in the trademark registration procedure, the registration may be canceled. In this process, it is beneficial to get legal support from a trademark attorney.

In this article, we will discuss the trademark, trademark registration procedure, trademark attorney, and all other information related to the trademark. If you want to get more detailed information on the subject, stay with us and keep reading.

What is a trademark?

A trademark is a means of protection regulated by the Industrial Property Law. All kinds of signs that enable the goods or services of an enterprise to be distinguished are referred to as trademarks. A trademark is a right that can be transferred separately from the business and may be subject to a license.

Three criteria have been stipulated in order for a sign to be accepted as a trademark. These elements are:

  • A sign is something that conveys information and a message and can be perceived by one of our five senses.
  • Distinctiveness: The sign used must not be reminiscent of the goods or services of another enterprise.
  • Clarity and precision: The chosen brand should provide a clear and precise understanding of the protection afforded to the brand owner.

A brand, which has all the above-mentioned elements, has the functions of distinguishing, showing the source of the good or service, advertising, and guaranteeing that the product will always be produced at a certain quality.

Personal names, words, shapes, letters, and numbers, colors, sounds, smells, and movements can be registered as trademarks. Other signs that are not included in this scope can also be registered as trademarks.

During the trademark registration process, there are some signs that cannot be registered. For absolute refusal reasons, the trademark requested to be registered will not be able to benefit from the protection. These brands are:

  • Signs containing the shape of the product
  • Brands that contain phrases indicating the type, variety, quality, quality and value, geographical source and time of products or services,
  • Coats of arms and emblems that are of public interest, that have become public property in terms of historical and cultural values, and that are prohibited by the competent authorities
  • Names are used by everyone in the field of commerce, expressing those who belong to a certain profession, art, or trade group.
  • Trademarks previously registered or applied for registration for the same product or service,
  • Brands that mislead the public about the origin, quality, place of manufacture, or geographical location of a product or service.
  • Trademarks that are prohibited for use by the competent authorities
  • Well-known brands
  • Brands containing religious values and symbols,
  • Trademarks against public order and general morality.
  • Trademark applications made in bad faith

Trademark Registration Procedure

The trademark registration application can be made on the official website of the Turkish Patent Institute together with the necessary documents listed below. The following documents must be present in the application:

  •  An application form containing information about the applicant’s identity,
  • Sample of a trademark,
  • A list of the goods or services that are subject to application
  • Proof that the application fee has been paid
  • If there is a priority right claim, the document proving payment of the priority right request fee,
  • If letters or letters other than those in the Latin alphabet are used in the brand sample, their Latin alphabet equivalents must be included.

The trademark application is examined in a formal and substantive manner. The trademark registration process has a detailed and long procedure. At this point, it would be in your best interest to get legal help from a trademark lawyer.

Trademark Attorney

A trademark attorney is a lawyer who has full knowledge of all legislation regarding trademark registration and follows the developments and innovations regarding trademarks in the national and international legislation. As a result of the extremely complex and long trademark registration procedures, people who apply for trademarks often want to get legal assistance from a trademark attorney.

Making a trademark registration application, post-registration procedures, preparing trademark contracts, and resolving legal disputes arising from trademark registration are within the scope of the business of trademark attorney.

It is not enough to make an evaluation based solely on the number of people who register trademarks. As a result of the infringement of your trademark rights by a different business, it would be beneficial for you to seek the benefit of a trademark attorney.

Topo Law Firm as Trademark Attorney

Topo Law Firm has been providing consultancy services to its domestic and foreign clients in all legal proceedings and disputes that may arise in the field of trademark law since 2015.

We provide legal consultancy in terms of transactions such as trademarks, patent and design pledges, licenses, and foreclosures, all types of trademark, patent, and design lawsuits; application and registration; opposition to the application; renewal and transfer; change of title and address in the brand; trademark infringement and precautionary measures in trademark infringement, raid, and seizure.

You can contact us to get legal advice from the expert trademark attorney team of Topo Law Firm.

FAQ About Trademark Attorney

1. How much is a trademark attorney?

Consultancy fees for lawyers are determined by official authorities every year. An evaluation is made of the determined amount. You can contact us for more detailed information.

2. What if my trademark is registered?

Before applying for a trademark, it would be in your best interest to examine the previously obtained trademarks in the field you want to register. You can examine the previously trademarked terms by making use of the service provided by the Turkish Patent Institute.

3. How long does it take to become a trademark attorney?

After graduating from the law faculty of universities, it is necessary to complete a lawyer internship and get a lawyer’s license. After obtaining a lawyer’s license, he can become a trademark attorney by working in the field of intellectual property law.

Turkish Patent Attorney

Turkish patent attorney provides legal consultancy to inventors during the patenting process of inventions or extends the patent period. A patent is one of the intellectual property rights. It provides temporary and regional protection to its owner.

With the industrial revolution, the importance of industrial property rights is increasing. One of the ways to protect these rights is through patents for technical inventions.

In this article, we will talk about the patent, patent application conditions, the scope of work of the patent lawyer, and the services of Turkish patent attorney at Topo Law Firm in Istanbul Turkey.

Do not leave the our Turkish patent attorney article for detailed information about the subject!

Patent Rights in Turkey

Patent is a right provided for inventions that meet the conditions in the legislation. Only inventions with a technical aspect are patented. In order for an invention to be granted a patent certificate, it must meet the conditions of protection. The protection conditions required to obtain a patent certificate and all other patent-related issues are regulated under the Industrial Property Law.

There are many types of patents. For example, method patent, dependent patent, supplemental patent, confidential patent, drug patent, biotechnology patent, method of doing business patent, computer program patent.

Protection conditions are included in Article 82/1 of the Industrial Property Law. According to this article, in order for an invention to receive a patent certificate, it must meet the following conditions:

  • Novelty: The invention for which the patent application has been filed must not have been made public anywhere in the world before the filing date. The invention technique for which a patent application will be made should not be included in the existing techniques.
  • Invention Step: It is checked by a skilled person whether the known state of the technique is exceeded.
  • Industrial Applicability: The invention must be a technical one. There is no patentable innovation if the invention does not solve a technical problem. In addition, it must be industrially applicable.

The right to request a patent belongs to the inventor or his successors. The first person applying for a patent has the right to request a patent until proven otherwise.

The right to request a patent, the filing of a patent application, the registration, and the acquisition of the patent right at the end require a detailed and long procedure. After all the procedural procedures are carried out and registration is obtained from the Turkish Patent Institute, the patent right provides 20 years of protection. In addition, the patent certificate grants the owner some powers arising from the patent right.

Turkish Patent Attorney

Turkish patent attorney is a lawyer who provides legal support to patent applicants in all the difficult and detailed processes related to obtaining a patent certificate. Lawyers specializing in intellectual property law are called patent attorneys. However, in fact, there is no distinction in the law called a “patent lawyer“.

It would be beneficial to get legal consultancy from a Turkish patent attorney about the process of obtaining a patent, whether the invention is patentable, and whether the protection conditions are met. In addition, in cases of usurpation of the patent application right, registration process, national, regional, and international applications, and violation of the patent right, getting legal advice from a Turkish patent attorney will speed up the process.

Topo Law Firm as a Turkish Patent Lawyer

The Topo Law Firm provides services as a Turkish patent attorney. It has been providing legal consultancy to domestic and foreign clients in disputes in the field of intellectual property law since 2015. We provide legal assistance to our clients in the legal proceedings necessary for the acquisition of patent rights, which is one of the industrial property rights, and enable them to complete the application process in the most effective and fastest way.

The team at Topo Law Firm consists of experienced, dynamic Turkish patent attorneys who are experts in intellectual property law. They have experience in the process of obtaining a patent, determining whether the invention is patentable and whether the protection conditions are met. In addition, they have full knowledge of all the details of the patenting process.

Conclusion About Turkish Patent Attorney

The patent right, which is one of the industrial rights, provides 20 years of protection to the inventor if the conditions of the industrial property law are met. Since it is very easy to imitate and steal intellectual products, it is extremely important to apply these protection methods for the protection of the invention.

The processes of filing a patent application form and obtaining registration are quite long and detailed. In these processes, deficiencies in documents and transactions affect the registration negatively. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to get legal support from a Turkish patent attorney during the patent process.

Topo Law Firm is a law firm in Istanbul provides legal consultancy to its domestic and foreign clients in all kinds of disputes, from patent applications to registration and patent infringement cases.

You can contact us to get legal advice from the experienced Turkish patent attorney of Topo Law Firm or to get more detailed information on the subject.

FAQ About Turkish Patent Attorney

1. How much is a patent attorney?

Consultancy fees for lawyers are determined by official authorities every year. An evaluation is made of the determined amount. You can contact us for more detailed information.

2. What if my invention is already patented?

Before applying for a patent, it would be in your best interest to examine the previously obtained patents in the field you will apply for. You can examine the previously registered inventions by making use of the Turkish Patent Institute service.

3. How long does it take to become a patent lawyer?

After graduating from the law faculty of universities, it is necessary to complete a lawyer internship and get a lawyer’s license. After obtaining a lawyer’s license, he can become a Turkish patent attorney by working in the field of intellectual property law.